Carving the Divine
Dharma Talk Story with Award Winning Director Yujiro Seki & Online Documentary Screening of the Caving the Divine
Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions’ Ministers’ Association presents its first “Dharma Talk Story” with a special guest, Mr. Yujiro Seki & Online Documentary Screening of the Carving the Divine on Saturday March 4, 2023 from 5pm – 7:30pm (HST).
“Dharma Talk Story” is a combined phrase of “Dharma Talk” and “Talk Story.” Dharma Talk means Buddhist sermon and “Talk Story” is a common Hawaiian expression for “informal chatting.” Our intention of “Dharma Talk Story” is to talk about anything about Buddhism informally, frankly but sincerely while having a cup of tea or coffee. It is our hope you can make yourself comfortable at home while listening to the Dharma Talk Story from our guests and ministers.
We are so blessed and fortunate to have an Award Winning Director Mr. Yujiro Seki and his documentary film “Carving the Divine” to our Jodo Mission members and friends. This documentary excellently introduces the unknown world of Buddhist sculptors for Buddha statues called “Busshi” which has a history of 1,400 years in Japan. Mr. Seki spent 6 years filming and editing this documentary in Japan and captured the strict but heartwarming relationship between master and apprentices.
After Bishop Ishikawa’s short “Dharma Talk Story” on Buddhist statues on Zoom, we will be granted to watch “Caving the Divine” with a special passcode via Zoom. Please enjoy “Carving the Divine.” Then Mr. Seki will talk about the world and behind stories of the Carving the Divine, followed by questions and answers.
If you have missed in-person screening opportunities, this may be the best time to watch “Carving the Divine” together with Jodo Mission Ohana. This is a free event but please register your name and email address in advance in order to receive a Zoom link. Please use the following link.
2021 O-Bon Season
2021 Bon Service will be held as follows:
Sunday, July 18 at 10:30 am at Koloa Jodo Mission
Sunday, July 25 at 10:30 am at Kapaa Jodo Mission
All members, especially those who have lost beloved ones during the year. are encouraged to participate in this service.
Online service will be also available. If you wish to offer prayer to your beloved one or your ancestors, please submit our Toba Prayer Order Form which is available at Koloa Jodo Mission. For questions, please email to kosenishikawa@hotmail.com
Sorry there will be no Bon Dance and no Toro Nagashi again this year. However, I'm planning to offer Virtual Bon Dance and Virtual Toro Nagashi again.
May We Gather

Please join us in supporting #May We Gather, A National Buddhist Memorial Ceremony for Asian American Ancestors, to be livestreamed on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 1:00pm (Hawaii Standard Time). Please join the list of endorsing individuals and temples at www.maywegather.org.
Kauai Buddhist Council 2021 Virtual Hanamatsuri
Hawaii Buddhist Council Virtual Buddha Day by Zoom

Please join in our Hawaii Buddhist Council's Buddha Day Service by Zoom HBC VIRTUAL BUDDHA DAY SERVICE ZOOM LINK https://zoom.us/j/99232025799?pwd=Zlh4bEt5ODhwckZWZlplN3FRcmZyZz09 Meeting ID: 992 3202 5799|Passcode: 636000 Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 You can sign in from 9:00 a.m.
Aloha Members and friends of Jodo Mission,
Hawaii Buddhist Council (Oahu) will sponsor its 2021 Buddha Day Service by Zoom on Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 9:30 am. The guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Jeff Willson who is a professor of Religious Studies and East Asian Studies at Renison University College, at University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada.
This service is open to public and it's free. Everybody WELCOME! However please complete registration at the registration site and receive a Zoom link by April 3rd, 2021. Or you can just let me know if you wish to attend this Zoom service. I can send you a link to participate in this Zoom Buddha Day Service.
Happy Buddha Day & Happy Easter!
Kosen Ishikawa
Registration LINK (Free):
The simultaneous NENBUTSU recitation meet

The 2nd Zoom Nenbutsu -Chanting Namu Amida Bu Internationally

Passcode namuamida
2021 Bon Dance Schedule (Tentative)
Kauai Buddhist Councl held an online general meeting on September 22nd and tentatively set 2021 Bon Dance Schedule. Because of no Bon Dance this year, we decided to follow the 2020 rotation and opening date will be on Friday, June 11th at Kapaa Hongwanji Mission.
There will be no Bon Dance during the forth of July weekend. Because this pandemic situation is so uncertain, we will finalize schedule at the next meeting in January, 2021, hoping situation gets better.
June 11-12 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
June 18-19 Kauai Soto Zen Temple
June 25-26 Koloa Jodo Mission
July 2-3 No Bon Dance
July 9-10 WKH Hanapepe Temple
July 16 -17 Lihue Hongwanji Mission
July 23-24 Waimea Shingon Mission
July 30-31 Kapaa Jodo Mission
August 6 & 7 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
The 3rd Zoom Nenbutsu -Chanting Namu Amida Bu Internationally
On Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 11:00 am (HST), the 3rd Zoom Nenbutsu -Chanting Namu Amida Butsu Internationally will be observed by the Zoom. The host will be Rev. Akiyoshi Oeda from Brazil.
The 2nd Zoom Nenbutsu -Chanting Namu Amida Bu Internationally

The simultaneous NENBUTSU recitation meet

2020 Virtual Toro Nagashi
Aloha members and friends,
I hope this finds you well. I've been quarantined after coming back from Oahu since August 24 and all services will be conducted via internet for the time being. I'm sorry for your inconvenience but I'll keep uploading various videos including LIVE Sunday Service so that you won't get bored.
Now I'm working on a Virtual Toro Nagashi or Online floating lantern ceremony which will be broadcasted on Monday, September 7th at 6:00pm. I'll dedicate virtual lanterns on behalf of our members and friends who have participated in our Toro Nagashi before. No entry, no registration and no donation are necessary. I don't know how far back I could go and how names I could pick up but I'll try to pray for as many people as possible. If you have somebody to be included in the lanterns, please feel free to email me or send a message.
Although we decided to discontinue our traditional Toro Nagashi for good at Kukuiula Boat Harbor, this may be great start of new tradition. Please be safe and be well. I hope you could participate in our LIVE Sunday Service today at 10:30 am. Namu Amida Butsu.
BSC Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii 2020 Summer Session

Detailed information and the full syllabus are available at http://bschawaii.org. For more information, please call the Buddhist Study Center at (808) 973-6555.
2020 Kauai Bon Dance Schedule Cancelled
Kauai Buddhist Council General Meeting was held today at Lihue Hongwanji Mission and 2020 Kauai Bon Dance Schedule was approved as follows;
June 12-13 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
June 19-20 Kauai Soto Zen Temple
June 26-27 Koloa Jodo Mission
July 3-4 No Bon Dance
July 10-11 WKH Hanapepe Temple
July 17-18 Lihue Hongwanji Mission
July 24-25 Waimea Shingon Mission
July 31-August Kapaa Jodo Mission
August 7 & 8 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
To our members and friends, please start planning to come or help our Bon Dance in 2020. Thank you very much.
As of March 17, because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Kauai Buddhist Council made a decision to cancel 2020 Bon Dance Season by vote through emails from temples. We thank you very much for your support and understanding.
Thanksgiving Luncheon by Kapaa Interfaith Association
2019 Peace Day
2019 KVMH Bon Dance on Friday, August 9
2019 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
Kauai Buddhist Council has set 2019 Bon Dance Schedule as follows. Please check it and start planning to come to our Bon Dance!
2019 Bon Dance Schedule by Kauai Buddhist Council
May 31-June 1 Kauai Soto Zen
June 7-8 Koloa Jodo
June 14-15 WKH Hanapepe
June 21-22 Lihue Hongwanji
June 28-29 Waimea Shingon
July 5-6 (No Bon Dance)
July 12-13 Kapaa Jodo
July 19-20 Waimea Higashi
July 26-27 Kapaa Hongwanji
125th Anniversary Celebration of Hawaii Jodo Shu
Minister’s Message
Rev. Koji Ezaki
Interim Bishop of Hawaii Council of Jodo Missions
2019 is a commemorative year for Jodo Shu celebrating its 125th Anniversary. We will welcome Jodo Shu ministers and members from Japan to observe the 125th Anniversary Service at Jodo Mission of Hawaii on June 9, 2019. On the same day, we will participate with the Jodo Shu group from Japan in a peace walk, “Matsuri in Hawaii” on Kalakaua Avenue. We will announce details about the service at a later date. Please don’t forget to mark your calendar. I want as many members of Hawaii Jodo Shu to participate in this special celebration.
Gannenmono, the first immigrants from Japan arrived in Hawaii in 1868. It is said about 29,000 people migrated to Hawaii during the Kanyakuimin (contract labor immigrants) from 1885 to 1894. The first Jodo Shu minister, Reverend Taijo Matsuo, arrived at Honolulu Seaport on March 25, 1894. Since then, Jodo Shu temples became a sanctuary for the plantation workers. Jodo Shu celebrated the Centennial Celebration in 1994 and now we will see the 125th birthday of Jodo Shu. Visualizing the long history, we can tell the past 125 years contains a deep relationship and partnership between Jodo Shu ministers and its members.
There are some who heard stories from their grandparents, read books, or watched movies about the life of the Issei immigrants. I think many people know the story of the immigrants who worked 11 hours a day, 26 days a month, and got little pay. The Issei generation from Japan endured many hardships in the cane and pineapple fields: differences in language, culture, food, and way of thinking, but many decided to settle down in Hawaii. The reason they could overcome the sufferings and difficulties was because the Buddhist temples such as, Jodo, Hongwanjis, Tendai, Soto, Shingon, and so on, supported the spirits of the Japanese immigrants. The members of the Buddhist temples also dedicated themselves earnestly in flourishment of the temples. Japanese immigrants and Buddhist ministers went hand in hand together. They both walked together by helping each other.
The spirits of the Issei have passed down to the Nisei and Sansei, and now Yonsei (fourth generation) and Gosei (fifth generation) and you can see these spirits when they come to services. Perhaps the Rokusei will start to appear soon. It is wonderful that Jodo Shu is supported by five (or six) generations beginning from the very first immigrants 125 years ago. Jodo Shu has been a center of the Japanese community even through changes in times. Jodo Shu is here because of YOUR efforts and support. When I think about the members, followers, supporters, friends and neighbors of Jodo Shu, there is nothing other than appreciation and gratitude. I would like to heartily deliver my thankfulness to all of you by saying, “Minasama, arigato!”
Again, may I humbly remind you that we will observe the 125th Anniversary Service on June 9, 2019. Please participate in this commemorative service at Jodo Mission of Hawaii and let us celebrate together. Tanomimasu!
2019 Kabuki in Hawaii
2018 Bodhi Day Service at Kauai Soto Zen on Dec.2 at 9:30am

Bodhi Day Sponsored by the Kauai Buddhist Council
Sunday, December 2, 2018 9:30 a.m. Kauai Soto Zen Temple
1-3500 Kaumualii Highway Hanapepe
Commemorative service with all temples and organizations participating, starting at 9:30 am
Guest Speaker: Dr. Thao Le Associate Professor of the Human Development & Family Studies program, UH-Manoa "Bodhi in Each Moment" In this interactive presentation, Dr.
Le will share beneficial practice of skillful living centered on Buddhist principles, and to supporting causes that promote happiness and well-being. She has worked with youth and family serving
agencies, teachers, students, counselors in promoting mindfulness in the classrooms.
Refreshments will be served Entertainment, exhibits, fun & fellowship.
2018 Hanamatsuri Week & Buddha Day Commemoration by Kauai Buddhist Council

In Japan, April 8 has been known as the day when Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini, Nepal about 2600 years ago. Siddhartha was a prince of the kingdom of Kapilavastu (Northern India). He had all the material wealth that anyone could wish for but when he was 29 years old, he was truly shocked to know people in the world were suffering from illness, poverty, and various dissatisfaction. He then renounced all these things to go out into the world to seek a way of salvation for all the people. After six years of hard trainings and deep meditation, he became enlightened under the Bodhi tree when he was 35 years old. Siddhartha was then called “Buddha” which literally means “Awakened One.” For the sake of sharing the way to happiness, Buddha traveled to preach his teachings for nearly 45 years. His teachings were gradually transmitted from people to people, countries to countries and from generations to generations which have formed what we call “Buddhism” today.
The tradition to celebrate Buddha’s Birthday in April 8 has been brought to Hawaii with Japanese Immigrants and April 8 was officially recognized as a Buddha Day by the State Legislature of 1963. Since Buddha’s birthplace was a flower garden in Lumbini and also April in Japan is a beautiful season of Sakura flowers, Buddha’s Birthday is also called “Hanamatsuri” meaning “Flower(Hana) Festival(Matsuri)”
In celebration of Hanamatsuri this year, Kauai Buddhist Council will offer for a full week of celebrations festivities. From April 2nd to April 6th, “Candle Night-open house” at temple will be held at the Buddhist temples. This open house is to offer extra time and place for prayer and meditation with candle lights to anyone, both residents and visitors of Kauai. There will be time for meditation, prayer, Q & A, and talk-stories with Sensei. Each temple will welcome you in a different way.
On Sunday, April 8, 2018, Buddha Day Service and Buddhist Book Fair will be observed at Lihue Hongwanji Mission from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The guest speaker will be Mr. Mark Daniel Seiler whose first novel, “Sighing Woman Tea” won at the Pacific Rim Book Festival 2015 and his second novel “River’s Child” was recently awarded the Landmark Prize for fiction.” He is a poet, musician, master carpenter, and currently serving as a board member of Koloa Jodo Mission, Kauai Buddhist Council, and Lawai International Center.
Kauai Buddhist council which consists of Kapaa Jodo Mission, Kapaa Hongwanji Mission, Kauai Dharma Center, Lihue Hongwanji Mission, Koloa Jodo Mission, Kauai Soto Zen Temple Zenshuji, Waimea Shingon Mission, Waimea Higashi Hongwanji Mission and West Kauai Hongwanji Mission (WKHM Hanapepe & Waimea Temple) will proudly display their best selections of the Buddhist books during this Buddhist Book Fair. At the same time, we will have some books both for sale and for free available to the participants. Temples will bring and present some free “old new book” which was supposed to be new but never read by members for many years.
There will be refreshments and lucky number follow the service. All are invited and welcome. For more information, please call Rev. Kosen Ishikawa at 635-8530.
Hanamasturi week Schedule as follows;
Monday, April 2 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night Kapaa Jodo Mission
Tuesday, April 3 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night Waimea Shingon Mission
Wednesday, April 4 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night Koloa Jodo Mission
Thursday, April 5 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
Friday, April 6 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night Kauai Soto Zen Temple
Friday, April 6 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Candle Night WKHM Hanapepe Temple
Saturday, April 7 6:00 pm Memorial Service for Pets and Animals, followed by Candle Night by Waimea Higashi Hongwanji Mission
(*Hanapepe Art Night is held on Fridays. So it’s nice to visit both temples on the same day.)
Sunday, April 8 9:30 am -12:00 noon Buddha Day Service & Buddhist Book Fair at Lihue Hongwanji Mission
2018 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
Happy New Year! The following 2018 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai was approved at the Kauai Buddhist Council General Meeting yesterday. 2018 Bon Dance will be kicked off at Kapaa Jodo Mission on Friday June 8!
2018 Kauai Buddhist Council
Bon Dance Schedule
June 8 - 9 Kapaa Jodo Mission
June 15-16 West Kauai Hongwanji – Hanapepe
June 22-23 Lihue Hongwanji
June 29-30 Waimea Shingon
July 6-7 Koloa Jodo
July 13-14 West Kauai Hongwanji Waimea
July 20-21 Kapaa Hongwanji
July 27-28 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
Aug. 3-4 Kauai Soto Zen Temple
Also at the meeting, Bon Dance Committee proposed 18 songs for 2018 Bon Dance on Kauai. They were almost same as last year's songs but there were two changes. Furustato Ondo was replaced with Dai Tokyo Ondo and order of Beautiful Sunday moved to the 2nd from 8th.
1. Tanko Bushi 3:16
2. Beautiful Sunday 4:13 (8th to 2nd)
3. Nippon Daiko 4:10
4. Zunpa Ondo 3:49
5. Hana no Bon Odori 4:00
6. Shiawase Samba 3:24
7. Bamba Odori 4:00
8. Kokoro Taihei 3:58
9. Dai Tokyo Ondo 3:13 (New)
10. Asatoya Yunta 3:27
11. Fukushima Bon Uta 3:38
12. Ashibina 3:06
13. Sakura Ondo 3:16
14. Nippon Zenkoku Ohayashi Ondo 3:26
15. Gokigen Song 3:55
16. Heisei Ondo 3:47
17. Kawaichi Otoko Bushi 4:20
18. Hana no Tebyoshi Odori 3:45
"Dai Tokyo Ondo" is a new song this year however it used to be one of the popular Bon Dance Songs on Kauai till 1999.
If you are interested in dancing Bon Dance, you will be very welcome at the Bon Dance Practices at the following temples. It will be good exercise with fun. And it's free too. If you have any question, please feel free to contact me, Kosen Ishikawa, who happen to be President of Kauai Buddhist Council this year.
Kapaa Hongwanji Mondays @7:00 p.m. from March
Lihue Hongwanji Fridays @ 7:30 p.m. from May
Koloa Jodo Tuesdays @6:30 p.m. from May 8th
WKH Hanapepe Thursdays @6:00 p.m. *Beginners’ Class from February 15th
2016 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
2016 Kauai Buddhist Council
June 3-4 Lihue Hongwanji
June 10-11 Waimea Shingon
June 17-18 Kapaa Jodo Mission
June 24-25 WKHM-Waimea Temple
JULY 1-2 NO Bon Dance
July 8-9 Kapaa Hongwanji
July 15-16 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
July 22-23 Kauai Soto Zen Temple Zenshuji
July 29-30 Koloa Jodo Mission
Bon Dance for Beginners
2016 marks the eighth year West Kauai Hongwanji Mission is sponsoring beginning bon dance practice as well as the men’s bon dance troupe “Men of the Koi Dynasty” thanks to Mrs. Nakaya’s patient style of teaching.
We’ve always intended the initial practice sessions for the true beginners. It works best when the size of the class is smaller so we can tend to the individual needs. As the beginner gains more confidence the class progresses more rapidly. THEREFORE, WE ARE ASKING SEASONED DANCERS TO REFRAIN FROM JOINING THE PRACTICE IN FEBRUARY.
Seasoned dancers refresher classes will be held starting in April. However, if you have a spouse or friend who are beginners and who may be reluctant to participate unless you accompany them, please join us.
Please encourage your friends, relatives, and spouses (especially men!) to join us.
What: Beginning bon dance lessons
For Whom: Men and women with little or no experience
Where: WKHM Hanapepe Temple social hall
When: Every Thursday at 6 p.m. (starting 2/4/2016)
Instructor: Mrs. Nakaya
In order to keep the size of the groups manageable, we may adjust the start time.
If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, please call Alton Miyamoto at 338-1494 or e-mail him at ahmiyamoto@hawaii.rr.com.
Commemorative Symposium, Honen Buddhism, East to West

2015 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
Kauai Buddhist Council
2015 Bon Dance Schedule
June 5 & 6 Waimea Shingon Mission
June 12 &13 Kapaa Jodo Mission
June 19 & 20 WKH Waimea Temple
June 26 & 27 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
July 3 & 4 No Bon Dance
July 10 & 11 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
July 17 & 18 Kaua'i Soto Zen Temple
July 24 & 25 Koloa Jodo Mission
July 31 & August 1 WKH Hanapepe Temple
August 7 & 8 Lihue Hongwanji Mission
*Bon Dance starts at 7:30 p.m. and Bon services are
held prior by individual temples.
2014 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
2014 Bon Dance Schedule on Kauai
By Kauai Buddhist Council
June 6 & 7 Kapaa Jodo Mission
June 13 & 14 West Kauai Hongwanji (Waimea)
June 20 & 21 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
June 27 & 28 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji Mission
July 4 & 5 No Bon Dance
July 11 & 12 Kauai Soto Mission Zenshuji
July 18 & 19 Koloa Jodo Mission
July 25 & 26 West Kauai Hongwanji (Hanapepe)
August 1 & 2 Lihue Hongwanji Mission
August 8 & 9 Waimea Shingon Mission

June 7 & 8 West Kauai Hongwanji (Waimea)
June 14 & 15 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission
June 21 & 22 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji
June 28 & 29 Kauai Soto Mission Zenshuji
July 5 & 6 Koloa Jodo Mission
July 12 & 13 West Kauai Hongwanji (Hanapepe)
July 19 & 20 Lihue Hongwanji Mission
July 26 & 27 Waimea Shingon Mission
August 2 & 3 Kapaa Jodo Mission
August 9 (Fri.) 6:00 p.m. Mahelona Hospital
August 16 (Fri.) Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital
August 30(Fri.)-31(Sat.) Kauai Veterans Center
Zunpa with Japanese lyrics & English translation is now available!!!
2013 Bon Dance Committee Meeting Held
Bon Dance Committee Meeting, sponsored by Kauai Buddhist Council, was held at West Kauai Hongwanji Mission Hanepepe Temple on Sunday, February 10, 2013.
Though I couldn't attend it, Mrs. Sarah Date of West Kauai Hongwanji kindlly sent me a copy of her memo. Thank you so much! Schedules of Bon Dance Practices on Kauai were announced as follows;
2013 Bon Dance Practices
W.K.H. Waimea 7:00 p.m. Mondays, May 6, 13, 20
Lihue Hongwanji 7:30 p.m. Fridays, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Kapaa Jodo 7:00 p.m. Thursdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30
Kapaa Hongwanji 7:15 p.m. Mondays, from April 22
Hanapepe Neighborhood Center 6:30 p.m. Thursdays
(338-1537 or 335-3521)
So now, I'd like to add our schedule of practice here.
Koloa Jodo 7:00 p.m. Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, 28....
Also at the meeting, they decided to add a song called "Gokigen Song" to the 2012 Bon Dance Songs. A total will be 17 songs with this new addition in 2013.
Then, what is Gokigen song(ご機嫌ソング)?
"Gokigen" in Japanese, means "mood" or "feeling." It is usually used as "Gokigen ga ii" meaning "glorious" or "in a very good mood." Gokigen is also used in the context of asking one's health or one's mood. So it means "How are you?" My translation of "Gokigen-Song" will be..."a Happy-go-lucky Song." By the way, "Song" is "Song" nowadays in Japan. So Japanese name of this song is "Gokigen Song."
As of today, I'm not sure which "Gokigen song" will be used, but the one I found at youtube is here.
Are you ready? I've just realized Bon Dance is comoing soon!!!!
Special Feature Film at KCC on Sunday, September 22

Children's Day at Lihue Hongwanji Preschool

Hanamatsuri Week

Welcome to Koloa Jodo Mission!
We are now celebrating Hanamatsuri Week (April 1 -8) , proclaimed by Mayor Carvalho, to commemorate the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha (624-544 BCE or 566-486 BCE), a founder of Buddhism.
Please come to visit Koloa Jodo Mission to pour Sweet Tea on the Infant Buddha Statue for Blessing. The Books and some used items on the table are for free, too.
The Buddha Day service, sponsored by Kaua'i Buddhist Council, will be held at Lihue Hongwanji Mission on Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 9:30 a.m.
The Guest speaker will be Dr. George J. Tanabe and Dr. Willa Jane Tanabe. For more information, please check my blog.

Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii

The book titled "Japanese Buddhist Temples in Hawaii," by Dr. George and Dr. Willa Tanabe, is now available to buy here at Koloa Jodo Mission. Please contact sensei if you'd like to buy this book.
Jodo Shu Fujinkai Scholarship -Namiye Nakamura Scholarship

YBA Convention Invitation

The 1st Japanese Cultural Youth Camp
Date: Sat. & Sun., March 23 & 24
For 2nd -5th Grader
(KG and 1st Grader with Chaperon and Middle School Students Welcome, too)
Participation Fee : Free / Kids
Chaperon: Meal Fee / $10 Donation
Deadline of registration is March 20, 2013. (First-come, first-servied)
Tentative Schedule:
*There is only one shower room, please take a shower before coming to the temple.
Saturday, March 23
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Registration
4:00 PM Orientation & Introduction of
Japanese Language and Culture
(Ground Rules)
6:00 PM Welcome Dinner
7:30 PM Movie Night w/Snack
10:00 PM Turn in for Bed
Sunday, March 13
7:00 AM Wake Up
7:15 AM Clean Temple Grounds
7:45 AM Breakfast
8:30 AM -9:30 AM Japanese Lesson II
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Bon Dance Practice
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Learning How to Make Sushi
12:00 NOON Lunch of SUSHI! ...or MUSUBI!
1:00 PM Goodbye
For more information and application, please contact Sensei by email sensei@koloajodo.com or call 742-6735.
December 6, 2012
Welcome to our brandnew website. I hope you'll find it interesting and useful. Please contact us if you have any questions!
email newsletter? Please conatct sensei@koloajodo.com