Meaning of Great

Mr. T says "Make America Great Again."  But I think America is already Great.  America gave me rights to live and work legally, freedom of speech, and religious liberty.  I'm very thankful to America for my sources of happiness and therefore I believe America is great.

On the other hand, what made Mr. T think that America is not great now.  Why?  I thought about the reason and finally found it out.  The reason was quite simple. 


My definition of "great" and his definition of "great" are totally different.  For Mr. T, "great" is understood as getting "more money" "more jobs" and "more factories in the US."   "Great" is used as a simple meaning of "rich."  I agree many people need to be employed and be richer.  In this sense, Mr. T is not wrong.

However....if much more factories come to America and hire more people to work, what will happen?   Is this the way for the country to be richer?  I am not sure the answer.


But at least I know one thing.  Prices of products are all going up because companies need to use more money to use workers.  Then if they spend more money, eventually they need to lay off people. 


Building walls at border is same thing.  If America is charging more tax for the foreign products, it's not foreign companies to pay tax but American companies need to pay more tax. And eventually it comes us customers who pay more to the products.

"Make America Great Again" sounds great and inspiring.  But to be rich is actually never easy.   And we need to have a different goal or direction if existing way doesn't work good.


Our goal is better to make our mother Earth great, not one country to be great. Through the many wars in the human history, we all know Fascio (nationalism) is out of fashion and globalism is the one we should grow. 


Needless to say, no countries can exist without our mother Earth.  Also we cannot live without our planet.  However, vice versa is not true.   Without country, Earth can live.  Without America, people can exist and we can live without Japan.


Once again, I think America is already "great" according to my definition and our next step is not to make America great but to make our Earth great!


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