Blind Turtle and Precious Life

How rare and precious our life is. 

In order to explain it, Shakyamuni Buddha once used a metaphor, known as "Blind Turtle & Floating Log."

Buddha told Ananda,

" Suppose there is a blind turtle who lives in the bottom of the vast ocean.  This turtle has a long life.  It comes up to the surface of the sea only once in 100 years."

"Then suppose, there happen to be a log floating in the huge ocean.   This log has a hole in the center.   The size of hole is as small as a neck of the turtle."

Buddha asked Ananda, "Do you think this blind turtle can get to the hole of the floating log in the vast ocean?  Turtle's head should be just in the hole of the floating log"

"It's impossible! It cannot happen, my master!" , replied Ananda.

Then Buddha said, "To be born as a human being is actually much more difficult than the possibility of the blind turtle going inside the hole of the floating log. Life is such a precious."


When I learned this metaphor so many years ago, I honestly thought what an exaggeration!   I knew how hard to be born as a human, but I thought it was not so impossible.   The turtle is blind.  It only comes up to the ocean once in 100 years.   Very rare chance.  Then the possibility of floating log which has a hole seemed to be very very rare.  Just like Ananda, I also thought "It is impossible!"

But as I get to know more and more about the mystery of the universe which was considered to be born about 13,700,000,000 years ago, I knew the possibility of the earth was born such a miracle thing.  So was true to the birth of life in this planet.  The more I study science, the more I get to know just nothing but mystery!

Now I think the metaphor of the blind turtle seem to be very reasonable.  Yes, it is almost impossible.   But it happened.   I also happened to get "life."  

On this special day of March 11, I cannot help but appreciate life, a miracle life.   I am so grateful and happy for living here today.

Because I happen to be a very happy rignt now, I feel strongly it's my mission to help others to be happy. 

Aloha and have a good day!

March 11, 2015.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    mo (Thursday, 12 March 2015 21:03)

    What an Impossible Teacher you are Sensei! Thank you.

    I heard your dharma talk concerning this particular story. It was very good. I think your writing here is also very clear. Your message comes across very well. Life is rare and precious, of this I have no doubt.

    Thank you for your commitment to help people to be happy.

    Take care,
