During the recent Bodhi Day service at Waimea Theater, I met my Dharma friend, Mr. Alton Miyamoto of Honpa Hongwanji. He told me that Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii has promoted an original musical show, inspired by the true story of Sadako Sasaki. He also asked me if I could spread the flyer of this musical at KCC and then he emailed me some information.
According to uncle Alton, this year is Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii’s 125th anniversary in Hawaii. As a part of the celebration, Ohana Arts and Honpa Hongwanji is putting on a play, Peace on Your Wings, inspired by the life of Sadako Sasaki. The musical was created to be performed by kids. The performers are from Hongwanji Mission School, Pacific Buddhist Academy and the community (elementary through high school kids). Usually performances such as this is only held on Oahu, in fact, the premier of this musical was held two weeks at Leeward Community College. Since it is rather expensive to bring it to the neighbor islands, Honpa Hongwanji is subsidizing the show to be held on all islands.
The musical play will be held at the KCC performing arts center on January 25, 2015 at 2 pm. Tickets are available online or call Lihue Hongwanji Mission ($15 general/$10 students) at 245-6262.
I thought he emailed to the right person. Although Buddhists priests are generally compassionate, they are not always open-minded. They are very supportive to their members and their own temples but they may not support an event which is promoted by another sect. Of course, this may be normal. They work for their own temples and I'm here to work for Jodo Mission, not for Hongwanji.
However, I put my goal much higher and I wish to be open-minded. If possible, I want to work for many people to be happier and for the sake of humanity. So it's not so important what kind of faith you believe in, I want to help people and support what I think good and what I can do.
In 2012, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii led the way in sponsoring and raising funds for the display of one of the last five paper cranes folded by Sadako Sasaki at the Pearl Harbor Museum.
When I was attending to the Middle School, as a part of school-trip we visited Hiroshima Peace Memorial with 1,000 origami cranes which we all folded, wishing for peace. An email from uncle Alton reminded me of the reason why we made so many cranes. This was for the statue of Sadako Sasaki who has been recognized as a symbol of the Peace in Japan. I hope I can visit the Pearl Harbor Museum to see the origami cranes when I travel to Oahu next time. Again, Alton-san, thank you very much for the information!
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