Recently, I went to Hakalau, Big Island to help a candle-night-event, called "Yula Yula", sponsored by Jodoshu Young Ministers' Association of Nakagun, Kanagawa, Japan. Some of them are my really really good friends.
Last June, I went to Big Island together with Rev. Soma and Rev. Sasaki when they started planning this event. I'm soooooo glad this event was a big success with many people and with many helpers.
Then what is a candle night?
Let me explain it. A candle-night is one of the popular Eco movements in Japan...people turn off the electric light, spend some time with candle light and enjoy the moment...sometimes with good local food, sometimes with music, sometimes with just talking, and sometimes with silence.
Candle lights were so beautiful at Hakalau. Almost all candles were handmade by Rev. Sasaki, out of the 2nd handed candles of the temples in Japan. Shipping cost alone was close to $1,000 with 13 boxes by surface mail.
During the night, they had a ukulele concert, Okinawan dance (I missed it to watch), Hula, Gagaku (court music ) performance, Kabuki dance, a traditional Buddhist wedding ceremony, and lots of good food by members and friends of Hakalau Jodo, Tsukikage Odorikai and young ministers, including myself. Young ministers from Japan made "Takoyaki" and "Yakisoba." And I made Sushi, too, for the first time, on the Big Island.

And of course, I took videos and photos, too. So I had to bring sooooo many materials there, but it was absolutely worth doing it. I hope I can have another opportunity to make sushi
on another Island. Maybe, Bon Dance will be a good time to invite me.....I could be a good speaker and sushi maker?, too.
By the way, I was also very happy to meet our long-time friends from Koloa, uncle Clyde and Sarah-sensei who moved to Big Island in 2008. I invited them to come to the event because they have met a bridegroom who came to Hawaii to participate in the Hawaii Seminar in 2002. Sensei Sarah was actually his English teacher.

A brand-new couple, Sarah-sensei and uncle Clyde on December 2, 2014.

And I found a picture of 2002! July 20, 2002. Sayaka-chan who is Tanaka Sensei's 2nd daughter is next to Sarah-sensei. Everybody looks so young and I was so skinny!
Yes, Buddhist teaching is true. Nothing is permanent and everything is changing.
I wish you all....Happy Bodhi Day!
If you have time, please watch a highlight video.
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