After Bon Dance, I have been busy baking cake everyday because we had some leftover eggs (nearly 9dz). And this morning, I'm finally using up all leftover eggs.
However, I found 7 eggs broken before using them for cake. 7 Eggs out of 60 eggs mean, "11% of eggs were defective merchandise!"
Not like a smaller package of eggs, nobody can check whether egg is broken or not at the time of purchase, for this 5 dozens package from Costco.
Do you just understand it "bad luck"? I wonder what will you do? and what can I do?
1. Never mind or forget it.
2. Going to Costco to ask for the replacement.
3. Ask for reimbursment of 7 broken eggs.
4. Speak ill of Costco.
5. Others
My choice was..... (to be continued!)

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mo (Thursday, 31 July 2014 21:34)
I know they say that everything is a choice, but many times the second part of your above #1 happens on it's own.