Many people including Japanese, tend to think, "Arigato" in Japanese means "thank you."
It is not wrong since they are both words of appreciation. In the sense of expression of one's appreciation, we can say...
Arigato (Japanese)=Thank you (English)=Mahalo (Hawaiian)=Xiexie (Chinese)=Merci(French)=Grazie (Italian)= ....
However, if we examine each word's literal meaning, they are so different.
Mahalo = "(May you be) in (Divine) Breath."
"Ma"=In, hâ=breath, alo=presence, front, face
you(English) = to think , Originally "Thancian"
Merci (French)=mercy
Gracias (Spanish)=grace
Grazie (Italian) = grace
Obrigado, Obrigada (Portuguese)=Obligation, meaning" I owe you."
XieXie (Chinese)= apology Xie= apology
Arigato (Japanese)=Hard (rare) to exist
Arigato is originated in the word, "Ari(to exist)gatai(difficult)" which I want to translate as follows;
1. To be born as a human is very hard.
2. To have this opportunity is very rare.
3. This is the first and last time.
After having successful Bon Dance, I have nothing but "arigato" to all people who came to our temple.
Especially, "arigato" to all helpers. Without their hardworking, we couldn't have this big event.
Bon Dance is held every year, but we cannot have this Bon Dance with the same people.
Once again, "arigato" for coming to our temple.
Later, after a big clean-up today, I want to share the photos I took yesterday.

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