Last time I went to Japan, I noticed many Japanese drivers pull reverses in the parking spaces whenever I saw the parkings. I thought this was very interesting and took a picture, because here in Hawaii, most people pull forward in the parking spaces.
Well, later I found out depending on the parkings, cities or the states, some areas restrict either forward parking or reverse parking, so strictly speaking, I cannot say this is a difference between Japan and America.
However, the fact most Japanese drivers (I would say over 90%) prefer to the reverse parking means "something." I thought this something tells us what is Japanese like.

First, I thought of the meaning of both "reverse parking" and "forward parking" by lising up what they could mean.
"Forward Parking"
1. Easy to park ( It doesn't take time.)
2.You can easily load what you bought after the shopping
3. It's difficult to go out. You need to pay attention to drive when you leave.
"Reverse Parking"
1. Difficult to park ( It does take time.) 2. You can have a sense of achievement....like "I got it! 3. It's easy to go out.
I wonder do you prefer to pull forward, or reverse into parking spaces? After listing up both pros. and cons., I knew I could rephrase it as follows;
Do you prefer to do easy job first? or difficult job first?
So one of the characteristics of Japanese, is, I think, to avoid pleasure first, and to do difficult job first, like the ant as in the Aesop's Fables. I think this characterics or tendency can be seen not only in Japana but also in Asia. Generally, Asian people value "perseverance" more than anything like the Chinese proverb of "Senyu Koraku 先憂後楽", meaning "Worry and Hardship first, and pleasure later." Or "Perseverance will win in the end."
On the other hand, I feel perseverance is not so important here in the United States like an American saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
I just thought "difference" was very interesting.
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