I have been propagating some ground orchid called “Spathoglottis.” There are now Purple, light purple, white, "Snow Angel", "Berry Banana" and my favorite Orange is now blooming here.

It seems that there are more and more colors and varieties available at stores.
I have been thinking its reason and now I think I have an answer.

My answer is it's because of "Marriage (Hybrid by Pollination)!"
So I just tried...hoping "Orange" + "White" can be something.

If my answer is correct.....there will be seeds of new color.
Pollination may be not so easy, but I'll see what will happen.

By the way, we have received donations of so many kinds of plants and pots from N. Family through our friend Lisa-chan. Arigato Gozaimashita! I will take good care of plants and will increase more for helping the temple's funding.
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Sheri B. (Tuesday, 05 November 2019 15:39)
Hello! I found your blog searching for spathoglottis varieties and am curious if you were able to cross pollinate as you suspected and what you outcome was if any. Your blog is fantastic! Many best wishes, Sheri