It has been over two months since I sprayed both Roundup and Eliminator here at Koloa Jodo Mission.
In order to see the difference at a glance, I used Roundup at left side of the old temple and I used Eliminator Weed & Grass Killer at the right side of the old temple on the same day, May 18, 2013.
Which, did you guess, is working better? Roundup or Eliminator?
Interestingly, after starting this test at my blog here, the price of Roundup went down from $28 to $25! and Eliminator has been about $15.97.
I guessed Roundup would last longer but look at all the weeds!

Weeds are now coming back after two months. Though Roundup was expensive, but I knew it didn't last for over two months.
On the other hands, Eliminator Weed and Grass Killer was pretty good. It takes time to start working but this is much more cheaper than Roundup.
It was true that expensive Roundup had a better quick result and good rainproof (It started to work effective on the next day.) So if you'd like to have a very quick result, this is the one you should buy.
If you are not in a hurry and you know it won't rain for a while, Eliminator would be wonderful to use.
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old farmer (Sunday, 11 June 2017 13:54)
1) Read the label. Some of these products have changed over the years and some weeds have adjusted.
2) The 2 hour rain proof on all of them is a false claim. Maybe it binds but does not kill the week.
3) The hotter and sunnier when applied the more effective.
4) Anything with a true thorn on it will take extra work. After 2 week pull the root out. If it comes back it will be stunted, retreat.
5) If your too old just repeat application. I t will work. Took 4 sprayings. 4 weeks on a huge barberry.
Joann Arnold (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 14:44)
I need instructions how to use. I have lost mine