In Japan, Dragon Fruit Flower is known as "Gekka-Bijin(月下美人)" which literally means "Beautiful person(lady) under the moonlight." This flower is truly gorgeous...and even precious if you know that it only blooms once, only one night a year.
The flower usually starts blooming in the evening and is in full bloom around midnight and it will be down next morning. It's so fragile but because of this fact, I think, this flower is so beautiful.
Believe it or not, I started to dream this dragon fruit flower could bloom for our Bon Dance since I saw a growing bud last week and it came true last night during our Bon Dance.
To those who came to our O-Bon festival this year, I thank you so very much for your presence here at Koloa Jodo Mission. Especially, my big Mahalo to all dancers, drummers and singers who came here to perform for Koloa Jodo Mission for both nights.
And my biggest
to our members and friends who have kindly supported Koloa Jodo Mission.

This was after receiving sunlight. It looks so fragile and sad, but this is not an ending! It's an another beginning of dragon fruit. I've found some photos from my photo album. The following was taken here at Koloa Jodo Mission in August, 2010.

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