Skype Meeting

Last Tuesday, we had a planning committee meeting, using Skype (Download Free). This was our 4th time online meeting and I believe we have saved hundreds of dollar so far, because I didn't need to go to Oahu for meetings.

As a long time Skype user (6yrs) and the first skype user of Hawaii Jodo Shu, this morning, I'd like to think both merit and demerit of the Skype meeting.




1. I can save time and money to get together for the meeting. I don't need to use a car, airplane or boat. I can participate in this meeting while staying at home or at many places in the world. Maybe I don't need to change cloth to nice one.


2. I can save paper. I don't need to print out handouts. I don't need to make copies of agenda. I can just use "copy and paste" to the IM chat. I can also send files and pictures to share so easy in no time. As a ecologist, I love this merit this the best!!! I don't need to sort paper, later.  Without paper, my office shall be clean all the time.  I don't need to look for it, too. It's always there in the PC.


3. From the viewpoint of a chairman, I don't need a "Roll Call."

I know who I called skype.  Everything is recorded in the history of skype, called "Recent."


4. From the viewpoint of a secretary, I can directly type what were discussed to my PC.


5. Another viewpoint as a secretary, I don't need to see the watch at all. What time meeting was started/finished, was exactly recorded.  In the past meetings, I forgot to check the clock many times and everytime, I just assumed what time meeting was finished.



1. Quality of sound is not so good, the more people participate the worse it becomes, especially using web camera.


2. Timing when to speak is difficult. 


3. Easy come, easy go. I always forget what was discussed. However, Easy go, Easy get, too! I always recall it when I see the minutes, because I write minutes of the meeting in no time!  This means.....



What I've written this morning here is actually a reminder to myself that I should finish making a report of this meeting before I forget.   Yes, I'm going to work for it!  Aloha.


By the way, this meeting was very successful thanks to Rev. Nakano and Rev. Ezaki who gave me excellent advices.




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