2016 Segaki Concert


 It has been 6 years since I started to help my family temple's O-Bon in Joetsu.  I visited members' houses to offer prayer at their family altars and helped cleaning the temple and graveyard.  Also I helped to have a Segaki Service and annual music concert in August 18th.


My father explained this concert was a kind of requiem which offers good music not only to members but also to the deceased and hungry ghosts to enjoy the music.  


This year, my niece who is a young talented violinist (2014 Winner of the Niigata Music Contest)played Japanese and some classic music together with my sister (Piano) and her husband (Oboe). 



While listening their performance of classic songs, I thought good music is always well-balanced of "Tension and relaxation" "strength and weakness" "Loud and quiet" and "fast and slow."  If these elements were well-balanced in the song, it must be a great music.

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