Hidden Wisdom

Since last Saturday, I spent almost all my energy just for cleaning the temple yard.  First I moved all plant-pots to take weeds out and refill the soil.  Then I did weed a yard by spraying herbicide and trimmed Noni Tree.  I also needed to pull out some big plants of plumed cockscomb.

On the next day, I trimmed and edged the lawn by using a brand-new trimmer and then moved all planting pots back to the original place.

On the third day, I mowed the lawn.  This was my favorite and easiest part of the yard job.   Unfortunately, however,  belt of the lawnmower was cut and I needed to ask uncle Alvin Akimoto for fixing it.  I have to thank him very much because I often ask him for fixing something.   In fact, I did ask him for fixing car (tire) at least three times last month.

Anyway, on the fourth day morning, a new belt was installed thanks to him.   It was raining on and off on that day.   So I mowed the lawn, on and off, by going back and forth to the office to do some paper work. 

Lawnmower actually doesn't take much time to complete.  However, picking up cut-lawn is really something.  I had to continue to pick up all the lawn on the next day, too.

As I picked up many amout of lawns , I recalled a famous story of Cuuda-Pantaka (Ksudrapanthaka), one of the Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples.

Chuuda-Pantaka was known as a stupid, as compared to his smart twin brother.  The  Smart brother tried to teach a verse, but chuuda-Pantaka couldn't memorize at all.

When Shakyamuni Buddah met crying Chuuda-pantaka, Buddha heard his distress and mental pressure.  Then Buddha gave a broom and a wiping cloth.  Also he gave a simple advise to Chuuda-pantaka.

Buddha said, "When you sweep with this broom, recite "Sweep and Clean."  Then when you dust with a cloth, you should recite "Sweep and clean."

Buddha continued, "You don't need to memorize complicated verses, but just concentrate on sweeping and dusting by reciting "sweep and clean."

Chuuda-Pantaka serious followed a Buddha's advise.  He swept and dusted again and again every day then finally he got a real meaning of "Sweep and clean."  

He realized sweeping dust is such an endless job.   No matter how hard he swept dust, soon it came back again.  This was like endless desires of the mind.  Then he realized in order to clean the mind, wisdom to see the nature of desire was necessary. 

Later, he became one of the great 16 arahats.....

While looking at cleaned yard I devoted myself for the past week, I am enjoying a tremendous feeling of triumph over the weeds! 

Although I cannot be enlightened like Chuuda-Pandaka, however I deeply realized that there is surely wisdom hidden in such a simple cleaning.  At the same time, I thought everyday job at any moment, can be a Buddhist practice.

Now...my next practice should be  to clean the hall!  Because I keep many junks which can be used potentially for something, there are many of my things there!

I'm sure I need a practice of non-attachment, too, at this time.

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