Something about LINK

Blog is supposed to be uploaded once a day, but I'm doing this when I want to do.

Because I don't know what will happen in the future,  this might be my last writing or my last message.  So I have a strong feeling that I shold do this when I can, instead of doing this tomorrow. 


Today, I have updated LINKs to include Jodo Shu temples in the states and in Japan. Most of the sites have English pages, but I hope you will enjoy Japanese sites, too, because they have some pictures there.


On the process I was checking the Japanese sites to link our site, I found an interesting word, "Link free". Do you know what it means?   Yes, "Link free" is also a Japanese-made English, I mentioned yesterday.   In English, as you know, it means " It's free from link" or "Not linked."   But in Japan, "Link Free" means "You can feel free to link this site."     It is typed as "リンク・フリー”.   You can see this character or "Link Free" at the Links of various Japanese homepages.    


I think this word was born because Japanese people feel not sure if they can link the website without asking permission. So this is a kind of Japanese way of thoughtfulness to tell people "you don't need to ask permission.   Please feel free to link my site."    It might sound strange but some Japanese websites, not many though, say " Do not link the site without permission".       Well, well, well, if people don't want them to see the site, then I wonder why they have their websites.     Let me make it sure that our website is surely "link free".   Actually I'd be very happy if you put your links.  


Surprisingly, I already found our site under the blog links by our Dharma friend in New York.  His name is Gary Link, an American Bodhisattva who is also a co-founder of Online Jodo Shu Buddhist Group.  I am more than happy that we are Linked through the internet.   And again, let me thank you very much for the link and friendship, too.  

For his amazing blog, please visit   You can also find this under my new LINKs.











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