Paper Driver

Today I introduced some Japanized-English after the service.

Japanized English is a English word which was coined in Japan, like "morning service" which I mentioned the day before yesterday.


Well, let me give you a test.  Do you know the meaning of the follwoing words?   They look English words but they are Japanese-made English.


1. "After Service"

2.  "Skinship"

3. "Gpan" or "Jeapan"

4.  "Paper Driver"







Here are the answers;

1.  "After Service" means, Service under the warranty

2.  "Skinship" means, Hug or physical contact

3.  "Gpan/ Jeapan" means,  Jeans /Pants

4.  "Paper Driver" means, the person who has a driver's liscense but he or she seldom drive.


After learning these words here, a talented carpenter Mr. Mark (Mo) Seiler was joking that he was "a paper carpenter."  I think all the construction volunteers at Lawai Internatinal Center would say, "No!"    Mo started to volunteer builiding the temple at Lawai last month and now he is a very important person there.


That afternoon, I went to Lawai and met the Japanese artisan Master Tohta.   He told me , "We didn't make much progress today because Mo was not here in the morning."   I felt sorry because he was here at the service. 


Speaking of paper driver, I think I'm the one, "Paper Actor".  In the near future, I will introduce Mo's beautiful works.  He is a humble artisan and musician, too.









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